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Monday, July 16, 2018

Sleep Apnea Mouthpiece for Snorers the Best Remedy!

It is considered to be the leading cause of husbands having to sleep on the couch as nothing disrupts a good night’s sleep more than loud snoring. Loud snoring should not be ignored as it can be a sign of sleep apnea a potentially life-threatening condition for the medical experts that is the reason sleep apnea mouthpiece is invented as a remedy to this situation.

While a person is asleep sleep apnea is the cessation of breathing. Sleep apnea is considered with the shallow breathing with pauses that lasts for about 10 to 20 seconds each. Jolting awakening is caused due to the lack of oxygen that takes place. A person suffers from fatigue, drowsiness, slow reflexes and poor concentration during the day is what induces sleep deprivation. Sleep apnea tongue device is recommended strictly for those who face these issues.

Of all the common type obstructive sleep apnea is the one. When the soft tissues at the back of the throat, including the tongue, relax during sleep clocking away the airway is what the obstructive sleep apnea is. Loud vibrating sound which we commonly known as snoring are made once the airway is blocked. Central sleep apnea is the second type.

As it involves the central nervous system, it is of the less common types. When the brain fail to send signals to specific muscles that control breathing this happens. For people suffering from central sleep apnea, snoring is not that evident. The combination of both obstructive and central sleep apnea is the last type which is the complex sleep apnea.

To the signs and the symptoms of the sleep apnea it is very important to pay attention as it can happen to any human being. Gender, race or age is not chosen by this.

Loud snoring with long pauses in breathing, choking, snorting and gasping for the air during sleep are the major signs of sleep apnea. Waking up with a dry mouth, coarse voice, sore throat, throbbing headache, restless sleep, fatigue during the day and lethargy are the complaints of people suffering from sleep apnea. Take time to know how they are doing especially in the way they sleep before complaining how loudly other people snore and judging them for being lazy.

If they are not aware of the risk factors, some people may ignore the fact that they can be candidates for sleep apnea. Among the high factors are obesity, family history, old age and cigarette smoking. Sleep apnea can also be caused because of the medical conditions such as allergic reactions, nasal congestion and other ailments that involve the airway. It is best to consult a doctor if you suffer from any of these symptoms.

By improving sleeping practices, and using anti-apnea mouthpieces, sleep apnea can be alleviated. It can be prevented by changing one’s body position while sleeping. For persons suffering from sleep apnea, sleeping on one’s side is recommended. Gravity makes the relaxed tongue drop on the soft tissues of the throat when a person sleeps on their back.

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